
There are 26 skills in WorldGrower, each of which determines how well you can perform various tasks. Each skill is governed by an Attribute. A higher attribute results in a higher starting skill level and faster skill level increases.

alchemyUsed to brew potionsWIS
archeryUsed when wielding bowsDEX
bluffUsed to mislead people during a conversionCHA
carpentryUsed when building houses or furnitureWIS
diplomacyUsed to influence people during a conversionCHA
enchantmentUsed for enchantment magic like sleep or paralyze spellsINT
evocation Used with evocation magic: fire bolt, ray of frost, etcINT
farmingUsed by farmers when tending to plants and foodWIS
fishingUsed by fishers when fishingWIS
hand-to-handUsed with hand to hand combatSTR
heavy armorImproves armor rating of heavy armorSTR
illusionUsed to create illusionsINT
insightUsed to see through bluffsWIS
intimidateUsed to intimidate people during a conversionCHA
light armorImproves armor rating of light armorDEX
lumberingUsed by lumberjacks when cutting down and processing treesWIS
miningUsed by miners when mining for stone, ore or goldWIS
necromancyUsed for necromancy magic like dealing necrotic damage or animate spellsINT
one-handedUsed when wielding one handed weaponsSTR
perceptionUsed to spot hidden things and see through illusionsWIS
restorationUsed with restoration magic like healing spellsINT
smithingUsed to craft weapons and equipmentWIS
thieveryUsed when stealing itemsDEX
transmutationUsed for transmutation magic like enlarge or reduce spellsINT
two-handedUsed when wielding two handed weaponsSTR
weavingUsed to make light armor from cotton and harvestign cottonWIS