
All villagers start out by belonging to the villagers faction.
Characters that violate the law and are discovered, are thrown out of the villagers faction.
Only by paying a bounty or serving time in jail can a character rejoin the villagers faction.
See crime for more information.

It's possible to create profession or religion organizations.
These organizations have a custom name and custom goal.

For example, it's possible to create a religious organization dedicated to converting others to a deity.
Or create a guild for a profession that sets the price of goods at a high level.

An overview of all factions and members that you know of can be found in the community dialog:

This tab shows family members like mate and children.

This tab shows acquaintances along with their profession, which deity they believe in and if there is a bounty on their head.

This tab shows player character organization membership.

This tab shows a list of organizations and their members.

This tab shows a list of deities and their general happiness.

The information shown in these tabs is only the information known to your character.