WorldGrower:Character Creation

When a custom game is chosen, it possible to create a custom character.

In this screen, attribute points can be distributed.
Attributes are between 8 and 20.
A higher attribute results in a skill bonus and faster skill increase if the attribute governs the skill.

Character Name
    contains the the name of the player character

Character Profession
    contains the profession of the player character

    sets the gender of the player character

Character Image
    sets the character image of the player character

World Width
    sets the width of the game world in number of tiles

World Height
    sets the height of the game world in number of tiles

Stone Resources
    sets the abundance of stone resources in the game, which can be used to mine stone and soulgems

Iron ore Resources
    sets the abundance of iron ore resources in the game

Gold Resources
    sets the abundance of gold resources in the game

Oil Resources
    sets the abundance of oil resources in the game

Water Availability
    sets the abundance of water tiles in the game

Enemy Density
    sets the number of enemies per 100 square tiles.
    set to 0 for a game without enemies

Number of Villagers
    sets the number of starting villagers

    sets the seed of the world.
    The seed generates the layout of the world and the placement of plants and enemies.
    A same world width, world height and seed will result in the same starting conditions for player characters.

Start Turn
    sets the turn on which the player character enters the world.
    If set to a value larger than 0, the world runs for that amount of turns before the player character enters the world.